
International Project (IPC)

The “International Project (IPC)” is a unique online class for teacher students first developed at the Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt (Germany).

Fostering the internationalization of teacher training students from currently six partner universities in USA, Japan, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and Spain meet on an online platform and carry out small qualitative research projects, work in international groups on a topic or plan classroom projects with partner classes in different countries.

The IPC project is based on an inquiry-based and constructivist understanding of learning. Coached by their teachers and student tutors the students work in international groups using web tools as e.g. wikis, chat forums or blogs. By working on topics selected from the teacher training curriculum the students improve their expertise related to the curriculum and develop awareness of cultural differences and communalities.

Depending on the didactical format the students get a basic insight into research methods, gain experience in organizing project work, enhance their competence in using internet and media tools and practice their abilities in planning teaching projects and lessons and in managing the classroom. There are four different formats of the IPC project: IPC Basic, IPC Research, IPC Inclass and Classroom IPC.  

For further information please check the project's website which introduces to the concept, the didactical formats, the tools and schedule of the IPC project. Examples of the students’ work can be found on this website as well as evaluation methods, research connected with and publications about IPC Project.