Educational settings play a crucial role in attending to physical and emotional safety of children and others. Learning how schools and preschools, through their leaders, support children’s resilience during COVID-19 is part of our global preparedness for other future pandemic, and commitment to children’s wellbeing. This study uses content analysis to examine 20 semi-structured interviews with school and preschool leaders (e.g. principals, department heads or group leaders). The purpose of the interviews is to consider leadership views on risks and supports to children’s resilience during COVID-19, including strategies that schools and kindergartens have been able to engage with and recommendations for future pandemic. The voices of school leaders are important because they play a key role in operationalization of policy, strategy and vision. Interviews were semi-structured developed with German and Polish student teachers who collected data as part of a 2020 online internationalization research course (International Project, IPC). The research is a comparative educational study. A cross-cultural analysis compares interviews from Germany and Poland. A cross-sector analysis compares the collective feedback from schools, a context of key importance in children’s lives. The analysis and leadership voices yield insights into children’s resilience and educational possibilities.
a. Laufzeit: 2020-2021
b. Interviewstudie, qualitativ
c. Projektleitung: Nataliia Demeshkant (Poland), Petra Hiebl, Klaudia Schultheis (Germany)
d. Präsentationen:
TEPE 2021 Conference, 20-22 May 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia: “Challenges of distance learning in teacher education and education” (accepted)
Das Projekt untersucht die Perzeption und Erfahrung von Grundschulkindern mit kooperativen Lernformen wie z.B. Gruppen- oder Partnerarbeit im Unterricht japanischer und deutscher Grundschulen.
a. Laufzeit: 2020-2021 (coronabedingt verschoben - postponed because of Covid 19)
b. Förderung im Programm PAJAKO (DAAD) in Höhe von 45.000 €
c. Projektpartner: Prof. Dr. Yuri Ishii, Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Education, Department of Education for International Understanding, Japan
c. Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Klaudia Schultheis
d. Projektassistenz: Dr. Sina Westa, Dr. Petra Hiebl
Das Projekt untersucht Motivationen von Lehramtsstudierenden zur Teilnahme an internationalen Projekten, u.a. dem International Project (IPC) oder dem Schulwärts! Projekt des Goethe Instituts.
a. Laufzeit: 2020-2023
b. Habilitationsprojekt
c. Projektleitung: Dr. Sina Westa