1990 PhD, University of Bayreuth (Bavaria) (Prof. Dr. Klaus Prange)
1997 Habilitation in Educational Science, University of Augsburg (Bavaria)
1997 Private lecturer, University of Augsburg (Bavaria)
Assistant Professor
1989-1990 University of Tübingen, Department Philosophy of Education (Prof. Dr. Klaus Prange)
1990-1991 University of Bayreuth, Chair of Primary Education (Prof. Dr. Michael Schwander)
1991-1994 University of Bayreuth, Chair of Philosophy of Education (Prof. Dr. Lutz Koch)
1994-1995 University of Augsburg, Chair of School Education (Prof. Dr. Dr. Werner Wiater)
1995-1997 University of Augsburg, Chair of Primary Education (Prof. Dr. Friedemann Maurer)
1997-1998 Justus-Liebig University Gießen, Institute of Philosophy of Education (Prof. Dr. Wilfried Lippitz)
Full Professor/Chair
since 1998 Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Full Professor: Chair of Primary Education
2011 Offer of professorship at the Ludwigsburg University of Education (declined)